An attempt at describing my growth from the trip to Peru:

“Lost there; felt here” was a slogan from the presentation about the Amazon. We lost fresh air while in Lima, and we sometimes lose the feeling of peacefulness during our chaotic schedules in the United States, but I was at peace and close to nature in the Amazon.

I can’t put into words how I felt the past 25 days. Reading this blog can’t truly give readers the full experience, but I hope my writing and photographs inspired at least one person to experience Peru for himself or herself as I have experienced so much.

Peru has helped me push my physical limits and get back in shape. Although I played sports in high school, I haven’t made time to work out, but the Amazon reminded me how much I enjoy being active and opened my eyes to hiking, canoeing and embracing nature.

I am usually scared in the dark because the dark provokes my wild imagination to the unseen (especially animals in the rainforest), but I managed to shower in the dark (in cold water) in the Amazon every day–it’s amazing how fast I’ve learned to shower!

I’ve learned more about the indigenous of Peru. The indigenous here have difficulty preserving their languages and culture because there are so few of them who speak it. Plus, in order to get a job and make money, they must learn Spanish and often English, especially if they want to go into tourism or attend school.

I’ve learned that people from each region live differently, yet most of them simply want to make a living. The way of life in the Amazon is so different than the other regions of Lima and the United States. The people of the Amazon region go to bed after dinner or when the sun goes down while most people in Lima and Cuzco stay up really late. The jobs here are different and make less money. Yet there are problems (mining, mercury in water, etc.) here like there are in other regions.

As compared to people I have talked to in Lima, the people in the Amazon don’t want to talk about religion and politics.

Difference between Lima and Cuzco and Amazon…Caroline’s camera was stolen from her hotel room, yet nothing was stolen in the Amazon although we did not have doors or windows. We also left our phones to charge by the reception area, yet nothing was taken.

Lack of electricity was peaceful for me for the most part since it was nice not hearing a phone ring or seeing an e-mail pop up, but I can’t imagine how difficult it is for people without electricity. It’s hard for them to study and do other things at night, so they have to get everything done during the day.

My experiences have also provoked some questions. Feel free to comment on my questions or answer them according to your opinions.

How can the indigenous learn another language (such as Spanish and English) if they do not have the money or opportunity for education?

Environmental protection efforts vs. putting food on table.

How do miners feel about their jobs?

Their health is harmed by the way they make a living, yet what else could they do?

People of the jungle make up about 10 percent of Lima’s population.  How can they get their voices heard in the city?

It’s fascinating how the indigenous have learned ways to adapt to the lack of hospitals and prescription medicines. It’s great how they’ve used things around them to help with their health and medical needs.

How many members of the jungle would be better off going to medical doctors and using prescription medicines?

How would they come up with the money and transportation?

How civilized are they if they still believe in love potions and spirits?

How much of the medical remedies are based on their religion?

Does this contradict the Catholic faith?

How many of the people in the jungle are Catholic?

How do they practice it without churches in the jungle?

You hear about corruption and you think a leader needs to step up, but how can he or she influence the people if most people won’t change how they make a living?


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