Boomer Blog


It was the last night of recruitment and I had been standing outside of Jim Thorpe for hours with one of my PNMs. She was completely torn between two amazing chapters. I could see the stress and confusion in her teary eyes that are usually so bright. Luckily, I was prepared for this. I pulled a quarter out of my fanny pack.

“Alright, have you picked a chapter to be heads?” I asked. She nodded.

“Have you picked a chapter for tails?” She nodded.

“Okay, I’m going to flip the coin on three. One. Two. Three.” I stated.

I launch the coin in the air.

There is no way to describe how bizarre but amazing Recruitment is. There are girls clapping and screaming door songs at you. There are multiple girls that want to talk to you and have genuine conversations with you in a very short period of time. Then you have to continue this routine at every chapter, everyday. Your voice will start to go and your feet will start to ache. And by the end of the week you are expected to know which chapter is the best for you? For some girls, this is the first time they’ve been away from home and had to make major decisions for themselves. It is a very overwhelming experience. As a Rho Gamma, my job description was to mentor the girls going through recruitment for the week. We stayed in the dorms with them and got to build community with them. In the mornings, we gave them their schedules and at night, we had meetings to discuss their day. (There was definitely pizza involved.) We cheered with them when they were happy and held them when they were sad.

During sorority recruitment there are three viewpoints: the Potential New Members (PNMs), the sorority women doing the recruiting, and the Recruitment Guides (Rho Gammas). I have been fortunate enough to see the recruitment process from all three. From the PNM’s viewpoint, everything is new and you feel as if you are the star of the show. You are whisked into the fairytale land of sororities. From the recruiter’s viewpoint, you have the pressure of welcoming someone into your home and hoping that they love it as much as you do. When they say that the girl rushing you is more nervous than you are, they’re right!

For all of those incoming PNMs reading this, there are a couple of things I want you to take away from what I have learned from my Rho Gamma viewpoint:

[if !supportLists]1  [endif]It’s not the end of the world!!!!!

I have seen girls go absolutely bonkers over Recruitment Week. Remember that it is only ONE week of your entire college experience! There are so many other aspects of college that are way more important, like your grades!! Definitely don’t forget about those!!!

[if !supportLists]2  [endif]Do NOT listen to stereotypes

OU is lucky to have 11 absolutely amazing chapters on our campus. Seriously. They all rock. Our campus is diverse and so is each chapter. There is a group for everyone in each house, but it is your job in recruitment to find the chapter where you feel like you belong the most.

[if !supportLists]3  [endif]Trust the system

As crazy as it is, you end up where you are supposed to be. Recruitment week is a roller coaster. Even if recruitment doesn’t go as you expected, give it a couple weeks and get to know the girls in your pledge class and I promise it will all fall into place.

The viewpoint from the Rho Gamma is completely different from the PNMs or the recruiter’s perspective. We are not affiliated with our chapter in any way. We are an unbiased opinion that is essentially there to guide the PNMs through an overwhelming week.

“Don’t pick up the coin! I know which one I want! I know!” I said.

She burst into tears of relief and fell into my arms. I could feel the stress leave her body and the confusion that was once behind her eyes completely leave. Her eyes brightened as all her emotions turned into excitement. She ran into Jim Thorpe to write down her final decision. Of course I knew she had made a decision, but she didn’t realize it until that quarter was in the air. The reason I was chosen to be a Rho Gamma was because some PNM out there was going to need me. Ask any Rho Gamma about her moment, the moment that she knew that she was the only person in the world that could help that PNM. This was my moment. The good ol’ coin trick always works. The Panhellenic system at OU is about community and friendship; it was so special to begin building friendships and sharing a community with incoming freshman. I will cherish the fact that I was not only a mentor for that week of Recruitment, but also for the rest of their college career. I loved watched my girls grow into strong, valued and loved women by their chapters. Whether it’s a flip of a coin or whichever trick you prefer, it’s an experience worth taking a chance for.

Lara Olfers

Advertising / Junior

Flower Mound, TX

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