Archive > November 2009

Buy/Die Tuesday: Some Country for Old Singers

Another weak week for releases, but there are some ports in this storm. But it’s not as grim as last week (which basically looked like an interpretation of No Country for Old Men), thankfully. Buy: Raditude – Weezer. Weezer’s goofy geek-rock may never be critically acclaimed again (because when you reach the Blue Album‘s level […]

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Halloween and Hardware

With this week’s post, I won’t be writing about a single book in particular, but rather about an author.  And that author is none other than the brilliant Kurt Vonnegut, who died (to my, and likely his, chagrin) over two years ago.  Vonnegut has been on my mind for about a week or so, ever […]

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Holiday baking time!

I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while. I actually haven’t been feeling very well lately. I had some kind of flu last week, and remnants of it remained this week. However I was able to pull myself together enough to go to all of my classes and take care of all the responsibilities I […]

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Laziness vs. Love

I’m in this class called Sociology of Family (YES I’m a journalism student and YES I’m being forced to take a Soc class against my will…but I digress), and recently we’ve been talking about the dissolution of traditional values in the American family structure. In layman’s terms, the divorce rate in the US is silly-crazy-high. […]

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