Folk Friday: Jenny & Tyler

There’s a reason all the Folk Fridays so far have been male-focused: I’m very picky about female vocalists. I think that female vocals lend themselves to pretension more often than male do. Or maybe I just tune out pretentious male vocalists. Either way, I’m choosy when it comes to female vocalists.

Which is why my discovery of Jenny & Tyler is so providential. After a text message urging me to come see “the best folk band ever,” I found myself rushing to the cafeteria where Jenny & Tyler were playing a mid-day set. I walked in and was entirely blown away. The band takes after the Weepies school of folk in that the set was a girl and guy trading vocals, with only an acoustic guitar and the occasional mandolin part accompanying. The girl has more than half of the vocal duties, and yet, it took me almost instantly.

It was absolutely fantastic. Every song was charming, concise and catchy. The lyrics are romantic without being cliche (and the few cliches are redeemed by their inspired, but not over-enthusiastic, performance). The songwriting itself is tight, with no extra strumming, no extraneous chords and no frills. It’s solid, beautiful and instantly ear-catching. Both the male and female vocals are clear and bright, with no weird frills or touches. It’s simple and beautiful; that’s the conclusion of the matter. And simple is definitely not derogatory; in fact, it’s probably what they were shooting for, as a song on their latest album is entitled “Simple.”

In short, Jenny and Tyler play excellent, entertaining folk songs. You need to go see their full set tonight at Walker Tower lounge (on OU’s campus) at 7 p.m. It will enthuse and mesmerize you.

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