YouTube Procrastination

It’s just been one of those weeks.

The sort where you don’t want to do anything but sit around and breathe. And any call to action (be it school work or real work) just makes you feel defiant and cynical. Literally.

I had a test this week, but instead of spending quality time making sure I had my answers mostly correct I drew Waldo instead. I then challenged by professor to find him. Just to be devious, I told her I drew one more Waldo than I actually had.

It’s just that kind of week.

Any assignment I had was met with derision, and then promptly ignored for Youtube. This brings me to the point of this blog entry.

The beauty of YouTube Procrastination.

My week: Monday night, I caught up on movie trailers and parodies of movie trailers (the SNL parody of Twilight is amusing). I spent most of mid-Tuesday watching “fan-made videos” of Disney movies. I think I’m slightly scarred and a little more worldly now. And I spent all of Wednesday night watching A Very Potter Musical, which is really quite funny and I highly recommend it.

Clearly, I’ve had a very productive week.

Did you? Have you fallen whim to YouTube Procrastination? Have you given in to this week’s – well, I suppose Abigail said it best on Monday – this week’s Apathy?

It’s inevitable that you will.

It’s like once you start browsing through YouTube, you’re sucked in and trapped. Suddenly, you’re watching cats fly around on ceiling fans and voting on Disney’s top 5 villain songs. And the next thing you know, hours have gone by and your assignments are no closer to being done then the day they were assigned.

But how will you escape it?

I tried by doing random searches on Google. It failed. I got sucked into the Yahoo vs. Google war – the one where you type the first part of a sentence into the search box and see which one finishes it off in the most creative way. Google’s winning.

It was easy to realize that fixing my YouTube issue with another internet site wasn’t going to work.

So I got out of the house, aimlessly drove around Norman and then walked aimlessly around the mall (you know you’ve been there and done that).

And well, the only thing I can say is to go out and do something totally and completely random. Or, at least, something that you haven’t done for a while.  

Go out and shake the funk that this week has put you into.

Go see and movie you wouldn’t normally see – 2012 comes out this weekend – or eat somewhere you’ve never tried.

This is the best advice I can give, really.

It’s just one of those weeks.

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