Folk Friday: Novi Split

Folk artists aren’t known for their voices. In an alternate universe where Bob Dylan hadn’t become the poet laureate of folk, we may have escaped with some talented vocalists in tow. But as it stands, folk runs low on genuinely talented male vocalists. Fionn Regan (who I will laud some other week) and David J (also known as Novi Split) are exceptions. And what good exceptions they are.

David J’s voice is a perfect voice. There’s no roughness to it, no strain, nothing. He opens his mouth and notes fall out, it seems. It feels calm and easy, even when he’s agitated in lyric or melody. There’s no blemish of tone, no accidental or purposeful cracks, just plain gold. It’s wonderful.

Novi Split is an anomaly not only in quality of voice, but also in quality of songwriting. While his focal idiom is folk’s tried and true acoustic guitar and voice, David J expands out from there into digital dalliances, pretty pop songs, piano songs and more. The immaculate clarity with which he accomplishes all of his tracks is what endears me to him, though. The songs are all perfect in their immediacy; it feels like David J is sitting next to you, strumming and singing. The songs are full of catchy, beautiful melodies, and they are intimately and intricately produced. When you hear a Novi track, it’s going to grab you. Whether you hold on after that is up to you.


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