Hey Class of 2016!

April 5th will mark the 14th year of an awesome OU tradition, The Big Event. Big Event is the largest day of community service for The University of Oklahoma. This event is a great way to give back to the community that has given so much to us.  It is a great opportunity to connect with fellow students and staff while serving a great cause.  You can sign up as an individual or you can sign up as a group. Groups can be as small as two people or be as large as 20 people.

Last year I volunteered with the Student Alumni Association at a park in Oklahoma City called Mesta Park.  At this jobsite we painted a gazebo and bench that had fallen victim of neighborhood hooligans with a knack for graffiti. We also mulched new trees and planted flowers.

Through this experience I interacted with other on-campus organizations, and people that I would not normally interact with, all while serving the community.  I had a great experience with Big Event, an organization that does so much good, and asks only for a small time commitment on a Saturday morning.

This year I am on the executive team of Big Event as the Social Media Expert.  Serving on exec, we volunteer every month at one of our many jobsites throughout the metro area, interacting with the people that are so appreciative of what Big Event does, and our mission.  All of the hard work that is put in behind the scenes throughout the year for this one day to come together is really incredible, and I think everybody needs to experience Big Event.

Applications are available at bigevent.ou.edu sign up today!

Evan Baldaccini

Class of 2016 Council

Evan pic

Hello Class of 2016!

Today I am writing to you about study strategies and tips.  As a sophomore myself, I realize that studying while maintaining a social life is quite the task!  Here are a few simple tips that I have found personally helpful that you may like as well:

  • Plan your study times.  If you’re like me, studying will get placed on the back burner unless I plan a concrete time to do it each week.
  • When it’s time to study, find a comfortable place away from your friends and other distractions.  Everyone loves friends, but they make it hard to focus and lengthen the time it takes to study by a lot!  Some study spots on campus that I recommend are Gaylord Hall, the study rooms upstairs in Wagner, and of course the Biz (Bizzel Library).
  • Take notes while you are in class and while you are reading your textbook.  This makes for a lot less work when an exam comes around because you already know most of the important things from the chapter. It also keeps you from only memorizing definitions.
  • Lastly, when its study time, STUDY!  If you apply yourself and work hard for a few hours then you will have much more free time and feel better about your exams.

I hope that these tips find you well this spring semester.  Be encouraged, you are not alone in your struggle to achieve good study habits, balance school and social activities, have fun and love OU!

Aubrey Duncan, Class of 2016 Council

aubrey blog pic

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