Wind Powered Robots – AME Pre-Capstone Project

The Mechanical Engineering Pre-Capstone project revolves around a central semester-long, team-based project. This project is designed to provide students with the opportunity to act as junior engineers exploring solutions to a complex, multi-level, and competency-building problem. This experiential learning provides the basis on which competencies will be further developed for students entering their Capstone project.

This year’s task is to design, build and test a system capable of converting wind energy into some more useful form of energy and then store this energy in some compact, transportable module. The wind source will be represented by a household electric fan, and the energy modules must be used to propel a vehicle, carrying large payload around a track.

Students are actively at work this semester and eager to complete the task at hand!

Mechanical Engineer senior, Adam Kordsiemon, gives us an insight to his groups journey at tackling this year’s Pre-Capstone project.

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