Ah, November…

The leaves are changing colors and the air is crisp. The weather has been pleasantly warm and surprisingly nice here in Norman. I hope all of you are enjoying this awesome fall  weather! And I cannot believe that there are only about 5 more weeks of school left! Unbelievable! I can’t believe time has passed by so quick. Also, the holiday season is upon us! My favorite time of year and I have already planned what to cook for Thanksgiving dinner (I use the word “cook”, but trust me, it’s not really considered cooking if you just heat something up. I only use that word to make myself feel significantly better at my lack of any culinary skills).

But anyway, let’s just get right down to the point. O. Chem and I are officially back together. If you’ve read my past blogs, you would know that O. Chem and I had a little spat (I got a B on an O. Chem exam. Not a bad grade at all, but I was very emotionally fragile when I got my test score back, okay?), which prompted me to break things off. I was unreasonable and really very sad with my grade (again, I know a B isn’t a bad grade…just go along with me here). Well either way, O. Chem and I had a talk, and we agreed that I should definitely spend more time with him and figure out his reactions to the point where he would be 100 percent predictable. And so, I spent endless hours with him. I took down notes, I read my required chapters, I visited my “in-laws” (when I say visiting “in-laws”, I’m really just saying that I went to some good old O. Chem tutoring at the Action Center…aren’t I so clever? =] ), and I am glad to say that all my hard work and endless studying paid off. I achieved an A on my third O. Chem exam. Boy, was I happy.

O. chem and I are, of course, not the same couple we used to be during the first exam, but I can honestly say that we are more mature. I am definitely more mature about the way I study O. Chem and I feel I have a better grip on studying in general. Because last week did not just consist of my O. Chem exam. I also had two other exams, one of which was on the same day as my O. Chem exam. Needless to say, I was feeling the stress. But I buckled down, got my study on, and ended up getting pretty good scores on all my exams. The feeling of accomplishment- there’s nothing like it. It’s the highest euphoria…for me, anyway.

So there you go. For all you students out there who are struggling with any subject, persevere and you will come through. Actually, for all the PEOPLE out there who are having any sort of relationship problems…persevere, also, and you, too, will come through. =] Wise words, eh? Okay, some updates on some things other than my academics. Well first of all, I’d like everyone to know that next week, Nov. 16-20,  is Prematurity Awareness Week. The March of Dimes Collegiate Council here at OU, of which I am a member, will be doing various events throughout the week to inform everyone about infant mortality and prematurity. I’m proud to be a part of this cause, and I hope everyone will take a little bit of time to just think about those tiny human beings who don’t get a chance to start living because ther lives are already hindered with their first breath. Want to learn more and help out? Visit http://www.marchofdimes.com/ or http://www.ou.edu/modcc/.

What else, what else? Oh, I just finished reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon. It was pretty good, I’d recommend it. I am currently reading The Crimson Portrait by Jody Shields. A widowed wife of a fallen World War I soldier has her house turned into a military hospital where she forms a relationship with a wounded soldier, whose face is completely hidden behind bandages. She then gets an opportunity from a surgeon to reconstruct the wounded soldier’s face…into the face of her dead husband. Oooh, dramatic. Whatever will she decide to do? Hmmm….

Music? I am patiently waiting for the release of OneRepublic’s new album entitled Waking Up, as well as the highly anticipated new Rihanna album, Rated R. I’ve heard previews of OneRepublic’s new material, and I must say that I liked what I heard. Rihanna’s new lead single “Russian Roulette”, with its dark lyrics, written by Ne-yo (who is known to consistently write solid RnB/Pop songs for various artists), has already jumped to the #9 position on the Billboard Charts this week. I haven’t been too up to date with the new movies, unfortunately. All my friends have been going to watch 2012, though. I’ll be sure to ask them if they enjoyed yet another “end-of-the-world movie”. Oh, well, I know District 9 is not a new movie or anything, but OU gave a showing of it and I got the opportunity to go with a friend. District 9 is definitely a movie that makes you think about society and its attitudes toward difference. Although classified by many as an “alien movie”, I thought it had a good, well-thought out underlying message.

That’s all for now! Will write more soon. Thanksgiving break and finals are coming up, but I will hopefully still have time to jot some thoughts down. Have a good week, everyone!


P.S. Organic Chemistry, I love you. Please don’t hurt me again…(insert melodramatic pause). =]

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