For decades the idea of Sasquatch, or Bigfoot, is something that has greatly fascinated scientists, explorers, and people who think the Moon landing was fake. This fascination is understandable, as Sasquatch is perhaps the greatest mystery our society faces.

For those not aware of Sasquatch, he is commonly referred to as the hide-and-seek world champion. Since The University of Oklahoma is a school of champions he has become the mascot for OU’s Union Programming Board.

UPB is greatly concerned with recent attempts to mess with Sasquatch. We are afraid the Jack Link’s commercials are promoting actions that are going to put Sasquatch in jeopardy. UPB thinks Sasquatch is too important and action needs to be taken to ensure its protection. We want to see the government take action to save the last wonder of North America.

Luckily for us we are not alone in our support of Sasquatch. Someone has started a petition to the Obama Administration in an attempt to solve this problem. The petition asks the government to “officially recognize the Sasquatch as an indigenous species and have them lawfully protected by laws banning any hunting.” We at UPB think this is a great and noble idea and hope the entire student body at OU can get behind it to help save Sasquatch.

There is a long way for this petition to go to reach the required number of signatures, but we think we can make it. Go to the site, create an account and sign the petition. Sasquatch is a champion and a national treasure and he needs your support.

The site for the petition is  Please take the time to help us. We all know what happened when King Kong was captured, we cannot afford to have that happen to Sasquatch.


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