skyfall casino night promotional posterThe Bond movies have been around for a while. Here is our Film Series Chair, Seth Hafer’s list of the top five Bond movies of all time. Don’t forget to see the newest installment, Skyfall for free at Meacham tonight or tomorrow.

1. Goldfinger – This is undeniably the best Bond.  Critics and Bond fans everywhere agree that Goldfinger is what really got the ball rolling for the beloved series by establishing a successful formula – gadgets (like a scuba suit with a seagull on it),  gorgeous girls, a diabolical villain, and impeccable style.

2. From Russia With Love – From Russia With Love is the second Bond film ever made.  After the success of Dr. No, Bond’s budget doubled.  He went from using a strand of hair as a burglary identifier to using a functional jetpack.  From Russia With Love earns its place on this list through the sheer awesomeness of its toys.

3. Casino Royale – Daniel Craig as James Bond really turned the series around.  It was a new, dark, and gritty James Bond in a time when everything had to be new, dark, and gritty.  It worked, though!  …which is why you should totally come see the latest installment in the series, Skyfall, tonight at 8 or 11!

4. Goldeneye – I don’t mean much offense to Pierce Brosnan for mostly excluding his Bond outings from this list.  His first turn as Bond gave us Goldeneye, and while the film was pretty good, its N64 video game reincarnation catapulted it into cult status.  What I’m saying is this spot actually belongs to my nostalgia for the game, and has almost absolutely nothing to do with the movie.

5. Skyfall – Remember when Daniel Craig’s James Bond really turned the series around in Casino Royale?  He (and, you know, everyone that worked on the movie) did it again with Skyfall!  This installment fully realizes the return to the beginning of the Bond series that Casino Royale tried to be.  Then it was a fresh Bond in a plot loosely based on the first book of Ian Fleming’s series.  Skyfall, on the other hand, takes us back to the Bond days we all love and remember, mostly by trying to recapture the spirit of Goldfinger through using the props of Goldfinger.  Come check it out for free either tonight or tomorrow in Meacham!



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