Healthy Heart the Happy Way

Healthy Heart the Happy Way

From Taylor Arnold, HES Graduate Student

The month of February is all about love and we all know that love comes from the heart. What better way to celebrate love than taking care of the place it comes from? To keep our hearts healthy, we are told to exercise and eat right. Sounds simple. But here are some other ways we can make our hearts healthy the happy way.

  1. Do something for yourself.

Let’s be honest. How often are we intentional about doing things for ourselves? Is it once a month? Maybe only once a year? If you find yourself wondering when the last time you did something for yourself don’t panic – this is an easy fix!

If we want our hearts to be happy we must do things that make our hearts happy. It sounds easy, because it is! With a little thought, commitment and action, you will be doing something for yourself before you know it.

Start by making a list of “somethings” that you like to do or buy for yourself.

Going for walks outside, buying shoes, books, etc.

Next, set a goal for yourself.

Use part of my lunch break three times a week to go for a walk outside OR                                                                       save $5 each week for new shoes.

Finally, DO your “something.”

This is for you and your heart! If you get off track when saving for your “something” or forget to do your “something” two weeks in a row, do not worry. Keep in mind that this is something YOU like to do, which will help you get back on track. Just start with a new day/week and go from there!

  1. Invest in others.

In life, it is crucial that we find balance in giving AND taking. This idea of “give and take” is most applicable to relationships, whether they be with a family member, friend or significant other. To give back in our relationships we must invest in the people with whom we have them. Investing in someone means growing together, supporting each other, encouraging each other and creating a special bond. When we invest in other people we feel love, purpose, importance, happiness, comfort and so many more heart-warming feelings. We know these feelings and experiences make our hearts flourish, but how can we do this?

Choose the person or people you want to invest in.

  • A friend you want to know better
  • A coworker
  • A family member you don’t see often
  • A person you know has a need

Decide how you are going to invest in them.

  • Spend time getting to know them, ask how they are doing (and truly listen)
  • Invite your coworker to “do something for yourself” like joining you for a walk on a lunch break
  • Make a goal to call your family member a certain number of times per month
  • Volunteer to help set up a party, clean house, paint, donate, etc.

Make time for these investments to happen.

  • If you want to know your friend on a deeper level but have a strict schedule, try doing things with them that you know you both must do.
  • Inviting your coworker to go for a walk with you on your lunch break may only take a few seconds, but it’s a way to invest in them. Once you make plans, keep them.
  • When setting your goal to call your family member, let them know you have this in mind. This allows for you to communicate what times work for the both of you. Planning will help you avoid phone tag and frustration.
  • If you see a person has a need that could be met by you, jump on it. This opportunity might not come around very often, so make time to invest in their life.

There are many ways you can invest in others. These are just a few ideas to get you thinking!

  1. Celebrate all victories.

No matter how big or how small, always be proud of your successes. The fact that you are considering changes proves you already are on your way to success. Remember, one small victory can put you that much closer to making your heart healthy the happy way!

What are you doing this month to make your heart healthy the happy way?

2 thoughts on “Healthy Heart the Happy Way

  1. This was such an encouraging read! She’s right. It’s good to take some time to focus on you, your heart, and other’s hearts around you. I need to go make my “somethings” list now!

  2. This is great advice! We often forget about how much our happiness and mental well-being effects our health! I’m going to start putting these into practice!

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