Being in college is not easy AT ALL! You have fewer classes, but professors don’t consult with each other. So it is likely that you’ll have a project due in 2 classes, and a test in the other 4. Am I complaining? No!

I’m very fortunate to be in such a prestigious and empowering environment. But come on! When do I sleep? You don’t! Ha ha! Just kidding! This is when time management is so important. Know your list of things that need to be done, and put them in order of their importance. For example, you have school work, a job, organization meetings,  and you must have some sort of social life. School comes first; because that’s the only reason you’re here!

Next is a job. Don’t worry; you’re not the only one who wasn’t born into a rich family. Believe me, Ramen noodles aren’t so bad. Almost everyone works, because they have to. But, never compromise work over getting into a class that you need. Talk to your employer! They should understand that you’re a college student.

When joining organizations, always think of your school work. You don’t want to be in a meeting every night. Join clubs that are going to help you learn more about your major first, than if you think you can handle it, join organizations that interest you.

Finally, last AND least, social life, keep your social life on the weekends, meaning Friday or Saturday. If you’re not making A’s, then the social life should become scarce! Always remember that your presence is not needed at every party. If you follow these suggestions, freshman year will go much easier. BELIEVE ME!!! Now I must get to my work! Talk to you soon!

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