
Hi there! Let me first introduce myself. My name is Sarah and I’m a current OU senior. My major is Professional Writing and I’m from Fort Worth, Texas. I’m in the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication and in the Honors College.

Okay, so those are the basics, but there is a lot more to know about who I am. Who I am today, as a senior, is a completely different person than who I was when I first arrived here at The University of Oklahoma. I actually blogged for OU my freshman year, and if I looked back on what I wrote I’m sure I’d be embarrassed a bit. You grow so much in the years you are here—so much. Things change—so fast.

Like this weekend, I am going to one of my friend’s WEDDING SHOWERS! Uhhh… and the next weekend I’m going to a baby shower… ahhh…. And one of my roommates is planning on becoming engaged this semester (she gave the guy a three month time span 🙂 so I can say it’s probably going to happen.) And my little (term for sorority ‘little,’ a girl you are close with who is a year younger than you) had a BABY this summer. I babysat it this past weekend- I mean him. The whole time I was freaking out because I thought I’d break him or ruin him for life. But I didn’t, yay! And it was very fun to play with a little bitty baby. He was precious.

For those of us who aren’t having children or getting married anytime soon ( me! ), we are all starting to look at graduate schools and/or for jobs. The thing that is so scary right now is the economy… not to mention once school is over I’m not going to know what to do with myself. I’ll be honest; I just never really thought school would really EVER be over. I’ve been a full-time student for so long, including summer school, I can’t imagine a world without school. Hmmm, so that is one reason I’m looking at graduate school. But I’m mainly looking at it so I can further develop and enrich the skills I need to survive in the workplace. It sounds mean, doesn’t it… “The Workplace.” Okay, this is getting boring.

Some more exciting stuff is that I’m working on my novel for my “Writing the Novel” class. It’s been a blast. I won’t tell you everything. You can just buy the book when it is published ( I’m being hopeful here). It’s about a young girl and a fairy godmother. It’s like a fairy tale story for college-aged people. There are parties, there is some cursing… it’s just a little bit edgier than the typical.

I live with three other girls near campus, I made them listen to me read the first 40 pages of it out-loud the other night, haha I felt sorry for them. I feel like they all kind of got suckered into it, but I guess that all goes with the roommate territory.

So, I’d love to keep going, but I have an exam tomorrow and a haircut appointment. Until next time! xx

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