Hey Guys!! So it is October. And yes, I am sick. I’m recovering… but the process has not been easy. And no… it’s not swine flu. It was an “acute viral throat infection, and a flare of mono from my past.” (I didn’t know that was possible.) Anyways, today is about my 10th day with this illness and the swelling has gone down. I always forget, even though I’m a senior now and used to being on my own, that it isn’t fun to be sick when you are all alone. Luckily two of my roommates are going into medicine and were able to help doctor me back to health.

So I am a writing/ journalism major at the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication. A few weeks ago I was out with some fellow journalists… we go to New York Pizza and Pasta on Campus Corner every Wednesday. One of them mentioned that Gaylord is sponsoring a student to go to Bangladesh and maybe even Pakistan to help with a visual storytelling workshop. So naturally, I freaked out and have been doing research on Bangladesh and their forms of media.

My point here is, even if I don’t get this… I can’t believe this opportunity is being offered to us here! It’s unreal. My college never seizes to amaze me. I will keep you posted on how that turns out. If I go to Bangladesh… you will know.

Besides that bit of news, I can’t think of too much else to talk about. When you are sick for about two weeks, lifeĀ gets pretty lame. OH! Except! My friend from England is coming to visit this weekend, I don’t know how I could forget! We met him when the Honors students from OU went to Oxford to take a class over the summer. He fell in love with OU and came to visit. I think this will be his 3rd visit here! I’m very excited to see him… he reminds me of England, and I loved England. Also it’s funny to see some British boy roaming around screaming “Boomer.” I would never like to admit this, but I think he might possibly have more school spirit than I do… not quiet… but almost. Not bad for being so far away!

I will keep you all posted on how the visit goes, and on my health status. So far I believe I will live! Until next time! xx

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