Hello Prospective Students!

I am finally back again. Sorry it took so long for me to write, I have been super-duper busy with midterms and such. I am almost sure that you are having an awesome senior year, and right about now, you all are ready for another break!! I must say, you all [aren’t] the only ones! I know that this point in your life is stressful because you are making your decisions as to which path to actually travel down. Also, I know your parents are probably hounding you into picking a university ASAP. Just a word of advice, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE visit the university, talk to some of the students, and get a feel for the school before making your final decision. A University is where you will spend the next four years or more of your life, depending on your major/career plans. You might as well love being there while having to slave over your schoolwork day and night! While trying to fill out scholarship applications, FASFA worksheets, signing up for Sooner Saturday (which is Nov. 21st BTW), and (hopefully) polishing up your University of Oklahoma application, I know that it may all be overwhelming! Breathe. Relax. Inhale. Exhale. Moving on –>

Are you nervous about your first year in college? Are you excited, but scared as to what career to choose? Just in case you have chosen OU over other universities, a class that I would like you all to pencil into your schedule for the fall semester as a freshman is University College’s Gateway! I know you may be wondering, “What in the world is Gateway”? Give me a chance to explain! GEESH!

Gateway is a class that helps freshmen become acclimated to the University of Oklahoma. It is very easy to get lost in a “big pond as a little fish”, but Gateway gives you that personal one-on-one time with your classmates, instructor, and teacher’s assistant. Believe me, it will definitely help you in the long-run! As I was where you are a year ago, I took Gateway, and I must say, now that I am a sophomore, most of the things that were covered in class have better prepared me as college student! I had a great teacher last year (Zac Stevens), and this year, I have the privilege to be an actual Teacher’s Assistant for Gateway under a great instructor, Michelle Grogan. Shout out to my awesome class!!! Gateway ONLY meets twice a week, but in the two times they do meet, you will gain tons of information. (This is just something to think about :))

Well…I have Spanish homework that is going to be the death of me, so I am logging off! Remember to have fun, cherish the memories, and live it up! Until next time, remember to choose a pathway to success: GATEWAY!

Kelsi C.

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One Response to “Gateway: A Pathway to Success”

  1. Kiley O'hern on November 6th, 2009 12:18 pm

    I am a prospective student and looking forward to all the fun and exciting this about OU. I was told Gateway is fun and exciting way to interact with your new school and meet new freshman as well! I have heard positive things about this class!

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