Wow… a thought in many heads at this point in the year. Wow, where did September and October go? Wow, this semester is almost over and Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner! Wow, I have tests and papers to think about, and I still haven’t filled out college applications. Yikes.

All this being known, I encourage everyone at this point in the year to do a little check. Have we accomplished the things we set out to in January? What more do we want to do before 2009 comes to an end. If we think and act now, there still may be time. I assure you that if we put off what we could do today until the end of this month, we will find ourselves in an overwhelming sea of tasks we don’t even want to think about.

Procrastination is either a help (to a select few) or a hindrance. For the purposes of my job and those high school seniors out there reading this, let us just assume that procrastination is a detrimental characteristic. Procrastinating is good for that small percentage of the population that actually performs well under pressure. But, if you’re like me, procrastinating inevitably leads to unnecessary stress, which can lead to unnecessary sickness, poor performance, etc.

So, November is indeed here, fall sports are winding down a bit, by now, most should be comfortable with their classes and teachers…so the ol’ I’m still getting into the swing of things and THEN I’ll think about college is no longer an excuse. Time management is an issue for everyone, but you high school seniors…get that worked out now, start setting aside time weekly devoted to the college admissions process. Whether that is filling out applications, scheduling and going on college visits, talking to university staff or students, looking for scholarships, the list could go on and on, but you get the picture. Just get it done now…before it’s too late! In fact, click this link and start your application today!

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