I wrote this over Spring Break, so excuse the time-lapse.

My family moved into our house six months before I was born, and I’m sitting in my bedroom with a huge and odd-proportioned east-facing window right now feeling Spring Break decrescendo. I snuggle into my Grandpa’s old chair I’ve covered with a woven blanket I bought when I went to a pow-wow with my best friend, Lacy (she’s Delaware/Potawatomie), last year. My burgeoning library is taking over my room in stacks, shelves, and piles (not to mention what has trickled to Norman over time). My sweet Sheltie, Sable, sleeps on her back outside my door and my Dad is snoring over some movie. I made vegetable stew for dinner with potatoes, mushrooms, carrots, peas, cannellini beans, lots of garlic, and a rich herby tomato broth. (Cooking is the one nonperson thing I miss while at school!) I love home.

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Luckily it started just as my last class ended, but yesterday I suddenly started having the worst abdominal pains of my life. I was desperate enough to make it stop that I called my parents who happened to be on vacation in Orlando. My overprotective mother called the only person she knew in Norman to pick me up and take me to the urgent care center. After waiting around in pain for a few hours, they referred me to the emergency room.

The docs were worried it could be appendicitis or an infection, but fortunately it was nothing serious. (Not that my pain wasn’t serious!) The most incredible part of the whole situation was how much support I got from my friends and family from here and afar. Mom was of course calling me for updates, promising to catch the first flight out in the morning if I did need surgery. My sister in Dallas said she would drive up to stay with me if I were admitted overnight. All three of my roommates and a few other friends came to the hospital to check on me and drive me from place to place. One of my friends’ mom was offering her expertise over the phone. Professors were more than understanding about me taking a couple days to recover. Everyone was on my side.

As I was telling my mom not to leave Orlando, she asked how I would feel if I needed surgery and my family wasn’t there. I told her I’d be fine. (I was a little loopy from the pain meds, though.) Either way, the whole situation made me realize how great I have it here.

You’ve filled out applications, you’ve visited your top choices,  and you’ve tried to weigh all of the pros and cons of your favorite schools.  Making the final decision can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.

When I visited OU during my junior year in high school, I fell in love with the campus, but I didn’t want to commit to anything too soon.  I wanted to keep my options open, and I applied to over ten schools.  I visited several campuses, but none compared to the experience I had at OU.  Even though I felt unsure about so many details of the “college experience,” I knew that I could feel comfortable and succeed at the University of Oklahoma.  I’m sure you will find this same feeling as you make your final decision.

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What is Visual Communications, you say? Well, it’s basically graphic design with a fancy name. What’s so special about it? Well – I’m here to tell you that it is the BEST & the WORST major at OU. “Impossible!” you cry. Believe me, it’s true, and I’ll explain why.

*Not enough time to read a whole entry? Scroll down for a video I spent 60 hours designing. Trust me, it’s the best homework assignment I’ve ever had.

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Currently reading: Tamar: A Novel of Espionage, Passion, and Betrayal by Mal Peet.

Currently Listening to: “Nothing Lasts Forever” by Maroon 5

First, I’m so sorry I haven’t written more. I’ve been busy studying and doing various other things back in the city. Needless to say I got sidetracked. Anyway, the current date is March 11, 2010. Spring Break officially starts at 3:30 on March 12, 2010 for me. And I’ve got to tell you: I’m very happy that I get to have a week without classes. No doubt I will still be studying for, of course, O. Chem II. But still.  I think I can speak for almost everyone here on campus when I say Spring Break is the time to relax in our own individual ways. For me, I will be heading back to the city to spend some very much needed time with certain people. It’s really hard to keep up with relationships when you live in different cities. But anyway.

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