As I don’t want to bore my reader, I’m going to keep this as simple and try to be as motivational as possible! With this being my second semester of college, I’ve seen how much I’ve grown as a person and student in just 6 months. I think differently. I have more confidence in myself and in my abilities. I’ve learned to take advantage of all of my opportunities. And through all the stress, I still manage to have fun! College is all a learning experience, and I strongly encourage that future students don’t forget the real reason they are here. GET THAT DEGREE! In my first six months here, I’ve had some of the most stressful moments with late night papers due the next day, more than one test/final in one day, and even maybe a few minor conflicts with my roommate, which I won’t vent to you about. But through all the stress and shenanigans that I’ve experienced at OU, the moment when I’m walking on this beautiful campus and actually see how far I’ve come and realize how thankful to be where I am, it feels like it’s all worth it because I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. There’s nothing like having that moment when you can say, I’m a Sooner, and this is MY school! College is a whole different ballpark, but I promise the University of Oklahoma is great home away from home. So yes, get ready to make the most amazing friends, have such great memories, and never forget to do things that make you happy. Although it will sometimes become more than overwhelming, OU is truly a wonderful place that helps you grow significantly as a student, and even better, a person!

Boomer Sooner!!

M’ary Miller

Class of 2016

Public Relations

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