1. Couch Express- Grilled Cheese

Never before has the coming together of bread and cheese been so flawless as this creation. Known as Cheezilla, this monster of flavor is certainly worth the $2.50.



2. The Caf- Hot chocolate cobbler

This beautiful piece of deliciousness is even sweeter than our President David L. Boren! If you are lucky enough to wander into the Caf when the stars correctly align you may be able to taste this Mona Lisa of pastry.


3. Laughing Tomato- Best Date Ever

I’ve gotta be perfectly honest, I’ve never had this before, but the girls in my office are absolutely bananas for it. This pita is packed full of peanut butter, bananas, honey, and dates. Again, I can’t give a first-hand account, but the screaming that was done in it’s name is proof enough it should be tried.


4. Everywhere!- Cookies

As many know, aside from completely burning them, it is hard to do cookies wrong. However, we Sooners enjoy absolutely delicious cookies all over campus! Nearly every store has a wide variety of delicious flavor disks that would make your grandma weep!


5. Crossroads- Strawberry Shakes

It’s 3 in the morning and you have been writing a paper for 4 days straight and you just realized your body is dangerously low on ice cream. What do you do? You head off to Crossroads and suck down one or two delicious strawberry milkshakes!


6. Cate Main – The Breakfast platter

It’s a well-known fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Some would argue that breakfast ends sometime before noon, but at OU this is not the case. With a meal as delicious as the Cate breakfast platter, it would be perfectly acceptable to have this masterpiece for every meal and at any time of day.


7. The Caf- The only all-you-can- eat Chik-fil-a in the entire world

But really, chicken don’t stop. It’s Chick-fil-a, but forever.





8. The Caf- Pita chips and humus

This tastes as though Zeus himself crafted these crunchy pieces of Greek gold that you can dip in equally delicious Greek heaven.



9. Xcetera- Wall of Candy

It’s like Hansel and Gretel without the chance of getting eaten by a witch.





10. The Caf – Cereal Bar

It is the LARGEST collection of cereal in all of the Big12. Boomer Sooner.




11. Flying Cow – EF 5 Breakfast Burrito

12 eggs, onions, peppers, ham, bacon, sausage, cheese, and 3 flour tortillas… and then more cheese. Finish this beast in an hour and you’ll get a free t-shirt and guaranteed heartburn.



Evan Mooney

Psychology, Junior

Drummond, OK.

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