Monday Motivation

We all get burnt out from time to time. Regardless if it’s your personal life, career, hobby or your fitness goals we all get burnt out at some point. There’s nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with being human and needing a moment to reevaluate your current course.

When I get burnt out on training, work or the gym in general I’ve found a few things that have helped me reevaluate my course of direction and implement the changes as needed. I hope that one may help you out if you ever get to this point in your journey.

1: Goals! I reevaluate my current goals. If I feel my goals may be taking too long I run through the options available to speed it up and adjust accordingly. I’ll add new goals. Smaller ones that can help get me going in the right direction again. One small victory after another adds up quick and you start to feel unstoppable! Use that!!!! Pick a big goal. Write down something you can accomplish every day to bring you one step closer to your goal. Complete that step daily. Repeat! Write it in your calendar and complete your daily to-do list! If you can’t do one thing everyday to bring you closer to your goal than you need a bigger goal! If you’re not frightened and motivated by your goal than you’re not thinking big enough!

2: Get out of yourself!!!! Spend your time and energy helping others! Truly helping others reach their goals, whatever they may be, will change your world for the better! Don’t focus on you. This is about putting others first in a helpful and nurturing way. Helping others will always fill your heart and renew your spirit!

3: Look inward!  Self-growth doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you and that you need to grow out of what’s wrong with you.   Self-growth take you deeper within yourself before it shows on the outside.  This is different from chasing something outside of yourself for any type of short comings which will lead to burnouts.  One will feel nourishing and caring, the other debilitating and exhausting.  The more we grow and learn from self-knowledge and self-progression the more capacity we get to create in the world, the more capacity we get to fulfill our desires.

So do it. Decide what drives you. What excites you. What opens your passion for life, for love, for growth?

Never give up. You have no idea who’s watching and who you’re motivating! More importantly, don’t you dare do that to yourself! Take care of you and your temple by helping others build theirs!

I’ve attached a great article. Please read it and remember…..

Never settle! Never surrender! Keep moving forward! I’m proud of you and all that you do! You’re important to me and I thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey, part of your life.

-David Smith
Facility Coordinator | Fitness and Recreation

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