The campus recreational facility known as the Huff (formally the Huston Huffman Center) offers an eclectic variety of groups fitness classes.  For an incredibly reasonable price, students can take advantage of these courses and be trained by certified instructors in a fun group atmosphere.

This semester I am taking the opportunity to attend some of these classes.  As such, it has come to my attention that I need to  work on my Downward-Facing Dog pose.
For the first time in my life, I’m going to regularly attend yoga classes.  In addition to being a great stress reliever, yoga also builds strength and flexibility. As an added bonus, the names of many of the postures in yoga sound as if they were made up by a child.  This is definitely a fitness class I can support.

Any student can use the facilities of the Huff for free.  Shooting hoops, lifting weights, and using the elliptical trainer are all activities that are already paid for in a student’s fees.  Group fitness classes, on the other hand, require a small additional fee.  Having said that, the cost is a one time payment per semester, and after purchasing a pass there is no limit to the number of classes a student can attend.  Moreover, the first Friday of every semester there is a sale on the group fitness pass for a few hours.  Instead of paying the usual $50, the rate drops to $35.

Purchasing a pass will allow students to attend any class they want all semester.  Twice a week Metabolic Training meets bright and early at 7 a.m.  Bags and Kickboxing classes allow students to vent frustrations as they pound heavy bags under the tutelage of an instructor.  In addition to yoga, classes in pilates and the wildly popular Zumba are available.  There is a class called “Awareness Through Movement” that I haven’t yet attended and don’t plan to, but I’m sure someone out there really digs it.  Hey, whatever moves your furniture.

Over fifteen classes are offered at various times throughout the week to accommodate nearly every schedule.  Some classes even meet on weekends.  These classes are a fun way to get a solid workout in a structured, organized setting.  Next time you are dreading going to the gym, come join a fitness class and hopefully you can make some friends along the way.

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